"Just keep writing. Keep reading. If you are meant to be a writer, a storyteller, it’ll work itself out. You just keep feeding it your energy, and giving it that crucial chance to work itself out. By reading and writing." -- Robin McKinley
You may or may not have noticed, but I've been absent from my blog (and other blogs) for most of the summer. I had grandiose visions of being a full-time writer and dedicating my summer to finishing my novel.
But, like some well-thought out plans, my vision failed rather quickly. I discovered that I work better on a tight, rigid schedule. With too much free time (like my summer as a teacher out of school), I tend to fill in the gaps with non-work: reading, playing with my kids, going to movies, etc. It surely didn't leave me enough time to write. In my mind, I was on vacation (loosely translated, no work!). Then it became easier and easier to push writing to my "back-burner."
Now, three weeks before I have to return back to school, I can't imagine where the time went. Did I write every day? No. Did I finish the first draft of my novel? No. Did I stay caught up on blogging? No.
But I can say that I had an enjoyable summer. Three months ago, my kids and I made a list of the top 50 things we wanted to do this summer. We didn't accomplish everything, but we did manage to hit 24 activities on the list. Not too bad, I think.
What I realized this summer is that I tend to accomplish more when I have less time. Surprising, isn't it? I think I prioritize better when there's less time. I'm looking forward to getting back into a rigid schedule again, one that includes time to write. What about you? Did you achieve all that you wanted this summer?